International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Environmental Literacy for Elementary Students Based on Sundanese Local Wisdom

 Lukman Nugraha


Environmental education aims at making students to have environmental literacy. Student with environmental literacy will be able to behave respectfully and be environmentally responsible. This study examines comprehensively about environmental literacy in the classroom learning based on Sundanese Local Wisdom through literature method. This research resulted in a basic paradigmatic view of the local wisdom of Sundanese people drawn from the concept of life of the Kanekes community. The basic ideology of the Kanekes community connects the environment with human life. "Natural balance" becomes the main pioneer in the survival of the Kanekes community. Customary local wisdom, a social and cultural condition in which the repertoire of cultural values is contained which respects and is adaptive to the surrounding environment, and is arranged in a strict order of the customs of a society. Although often considered ancient, the values they teach are still the best way to preserve the environment in post-modern times.


Environmental, Literacy, Local Wisdom, Sundanese, Elementary