International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Based On Local Wisdom In Padang

 Putri Febri Wialdi, Roni Ekha Putera


The purpose of this study was to describe how the application of mitigation of earthquake and tsunami community based on local wisdom Padang. This study takes the secondary data from the literature.Mitigation is one way or measures to reduce disaster risk, either through physical development as well as awareness raising and capacity building facing the threat of disaster. West Sumatra as one of the areas that are prone to earthquakes and tsunamis things right This is caused by the position of West Sumatra who are in zone subdiksi. Padang city as the capital of West Sumatra had a catastrophic risk to the earthquake and tsunami, given the megathrust phenomenon. hence the importance of disaster preparedness and mitigation gains made by the government and the public as well as stakeholders. Disaster management can be viewed from various perspectives and viewpoints one with disaster management based on local wisdom (local wisdom) in an effort to reduce the risk of earthquake and tsunami. Disaster mitigation based on local wisdom (Local Wisdom) is the study of disaster by using the approach of Positivism, which approaches Positivism can not be separated from social themes of culture and society, particularly in relation to the pattern and the public response to situations that threaten it and the ability of communities in the face of the phenomenon of natural disasters , To date in some coastal areas of Padang as local communities and society Sweet Water Beach sackcloth Bay have a tradition of starting reinforcements as a tradition in which they believe may reject disaster. Therefore, with the disaster mitigation based on local wisdom to put the community and society groups as the main actors in disaster management. Therefore, it can minimize the impact of the disaster.