International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Reading and Analyzing Short Stories as Appreciation of Language and Literature in Humanizing Students in Understanding Cultural Diversity

 Zulfitriyani Zulfitriyani


This study discusses literary learning in schools by looking at cultural diversity which is a feature of diversity as a driver of tolerance and respect. Likewise learning can be understood in language and literary learning. In the literary genre there are various teaching materials that can be filled, interpreted, and inserted cultural diversity that is implemented in attitudes and teachings that can reveal messages that humanize humans. So, cultural diversity not only as art in literature in the form of just material having no empty soul is worthless. Language and literature as a tool to humanize its meaning is that students have a position as honorable human beings as human beings who are fully human beings. This modern era education is not only about printing students like a machine so that teachers, students, and teaching materials must be creative in order to realize the attitude of loving literature as an appreciation of cultural diversity. Teaching languages can be done through literature, as well as cultural learning that encourages the desire to express these things in the form of literary writing. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods whose results focus on educators and students who are educated more sensitive and creative towards literature as cultural diversity so that students are able to appreciate literary works and can even write a simple literary work on their own. In addition, it will develop a positive response in people's thoughts and feelings, develop and foster positive values in accordance with the implications of learning literature in KTSP.





language and literary learning, humanizing students, cultural diversity