International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Language in the Provincial Capitalis Public Spaces in the Perspective of Local Wisdom

 Sonezza Ladyanna, Rona Almos


The language used in public spaces in the provincial capital is the head of communication that is immediately visible to the public. Language in public space must be accepted by society in general and perspective on local wisdom. Therefore, in this article, it is explained about the use of language in the provincial capital's public space and analysis of the perspective of local wisdom in the language used. This research is a qualitative research with pragmatic and anthropolinguistic analysis. The data source of this research is written language used in the public space of the capital of West Sumatra Province. Then, the data is analyzed in the framework of pragmatic and anthropolinguistic studies. It can be concluded that the language used in the public space of the provincial capital consists of regional languages, Indonesian, and foreign languages ​​by using abbreviations and proverbs. The use of this form of language is an image of the local wisdom of the Minangkabau people as residents of the majority of the provincial capital.


language, public spaces, local wisdom