International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Local Wisdom in Ronggeng Pasaman Oral Literature

 Eka Meigalia


In this digital era, oral traditions face greater challenges to survive. Progress in technology and information has caused some of the cultural products to be lost and not recognized by the public. While oral tradition values are useful to society in the past, now and in the future. One of the oral traditions that still survives is ronggeng pasaman in Minangkabau. The term ronggeng clearly indicates that this tradition does not originate from the Minangkabau ethnic group. But ronggeng pasaman is a tradition that has been acculturated with Minangkabau and Mandailing cultures, and developed in the Minangkabau cultural area. As a cultural product, the result of acculturation from some ethnic groups is certainly interesting to see the content of cultural wisdom contained in it. Therefore, in this paper we explain the local wisdom contained in the ronggeng pasaman oral literature.
To achieve this goal, the research was conducted with qualitative methods and data collection techniques in the form of observations, interviews, and studies of pantun texts spoken in the show. Based on the research, ronggeng pasaman oral literature contains values of tolerance, politeness, and beauty.


oral literature, ronggeng pasaman, local wisdom, digital era