International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019




The purpose of this study is to see how the development of Sundanese poetry in the past two decades. Guguritan poetry in the treasures of Sundanese literature includes the types of old poetry beside mantra, sisindiran, kawih, pupujian, and pantun poems. However, compared to other old (Sundanese) poetry material, guguritan poetry is still written and read by the Sundanese, although its presence in the past two decades has been a little apprehensive because it has not been written much anymore. The method used in this study is the analytical description method, in which the guguritan poetry of collected in magazines or newspapers is examined to see the extent to which the tiritan poem is still contained and read by the people. The results obtained indicate that guguritan poetry in the past two decades is not much written by the author. For this reason, it is necessary to have a very integrated handling effort for guguritan poetry is able to survive and develop in the treasures of Sundanese literature.


guguritan, pupuh, song, cianjuran, media