International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Verbal Anger Expressions of Minangkabau Women

 Gusdi Sastra


Language in neurologic concept is the overall of someone’s self expression when the person has to interact and communicate with others. due to that, language is not only limited to verbal, nonverbal, and the linguistic competence acquired by an individual, but it is also a reactive product from millions of nerve cells in the brain that are influenced by the culture where an individual is. Genetic heredity and how a person is treated, shapes an individual’s personality in accordance to the sexes that have been created by the Almighty, that are men and women. Each will express oneself in the socio cultural system.

This paper discussed about how minangkabau women express themselves through verbal  expressions that they use when they are angry. According to the brain’s hemisphere’s function, then a difference in how a person uses language is found, not only between the different sexes, but also caused by the cultural environment that shaped them. Also, the way minangkabau women use language is influenced by the brain’s hemisphere’s function that shaped their personality. When minangkabau women’s emotional function worked well will their intelligence—vice versa, then the language used in an angry situation could mirror the character and sociocultural background that shaped them.


Verbal anger expressions, neurologic, linguistic competence, hemisphere, character.