International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Film for Preserving Indigenous Knowledge Minangkabau Culture

 M Fadli, Dian Hasfera, Arwendria Arwendria


This article aims to describe and analyze about the effectiveness of film as a media of transfer of indigenous knowledge in Minangkabau. A research background it had started organizational memory loss in globalization era. The film was one of the media effective in the transfer of local knowledge to the youth generation, because it is packed with stylish and attractive, thus the younger generation interested to learn the local knowledge. There are a few films that analyzed Tenggelam Kapal Van Der Wijk, Sengsara Membawa Nikmat, Surau dan Silek, dan Siti Nurbaya, its contains the knowledge of the Minangkabau indigenous knowledge. This research using survey method at 30 people of the young generation in Minangkabau by asking seven questions that include the benefits that accrue to the second post in the learning process of local knowledge of the policy. The study concluded that use of film in preservation of indigenous knowledge there are several advantages: (a) the learning process so interesting, (b) stimulated of the imagination, (c) critical understanding of historical events and culture, (d) make it easier to explain the events, conditions and customs rules, (e) make the abstract becomes concrete, (f) quick recall and understand the terms of customs and culture, (g) the film as a delightful audio visual media, (h) making learning effective and active, and (i) improve learning results. Thus the movie can serve as an effective medium in the preservation of indigenous knowledge


Film, Indigenous Knowledge, Minangkabau Cuture