International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

The Local Wisdom in the Use of Term of address in The Minangkabau Community

 Reniwati Reniwati


The term of address is one of the language units that is very important in the greeting. Errors in the selection of them can sprinkle conflicts among people involved in the speech event. Minangkabau language has various forms of term of address. This emergence of variousity is related to the differences in the social status of the communicants. This study is aim to identify of the forms and the use of them in Nagari Batuhampar Kecamatan Akabiluru Kabupaten 50 Kota. The data are collected by using a conversational method along with basic techniques and advanced techniques, including face-to-face interview, note taking, and recording techniques. The data are analyzed by using  translational identity methods. From the results of the research found a variety of forms of greeting words. Diversity is related to differences in the socio-cultural status of people involved in speech events. From the selection of the term of address, it appears that the Minangkabau language community in the research area is carrying out the philosophy of the langgam: kato nan ampek in communicating.