International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Local Wisdom in Fishermen Communities that Are Changing: Study of Fishermen Communities in Padang City

 Syahrizal Syahrizal


Fishing communities are people whose livelihood depends on income from the acquisition of resources from the sea, especially fish. One characteristic of fishermen's life is uncertainty in obtaining fish catches which directly affects their economy. The uncertainty is related to many factors such as season, weather, location of fish, or scarcity of fish in the ocean. Facing many challenges in fishing, each community must indirectly have local wisdom realized or not realized by the community. This research was first aimed at describing local wisdom in fishing communities. Second, it aims to see how the changes in local wisdom occur. The fishermen lived in urban areas where they were easily influenced by globalization and modernization. This research uses qualitative methodology with interview, in-depth interviews, and participant observation. The results of the study show that local wisdom is still found in the culture of fishing communities with the restrictions that must be done when going to or being at sea. The existence of rituals is carried out when first launching a new boat or ship. Local wisdom in preserving the environment and maintaining fish stocks is a ritual refusing, where during the rituals fishermen are forbidden to fish in the sea. Now the local wisdom that was practiced by fishermen has begun to change, many fishermen now do not want to practice the local wisdom because they have pragmatic. The neglected of local wisdom by fishermen will actually endanger the survival of the fishing community itself.


local wisdom, culture, globalization, modernization