International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Stylistics Study and Pitutur Luhur on Tembang Tayub

 Budhi Setiawan


This research specifity have aim to analyze language style of Tembang Tayub in Sobo Village, Grobogan using stylistics approach. In this research also analyze about pitutur luhur of Tayub Performance. Method which using in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data resources of this research are event (performance of Tayub), informant (chairman of Tayub performance, society, and Javanese language teacher in SMK), and document (song lyrics of Tembang Tayub). Data collected technique using observation, in-depth interview, and content analysis. Data which have collected then analyse using interactive technique which have three phase, that are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Result of this research find that on Tayub performance contain pitutur luhur which can be reflected from song lyrics of Tembang Tayub, mutual cooperation values from the character. In Tayub performance also conatin phylosopical and simbolism values. From that reason, Tayub performance have relevane with Javanes language learning material in SMK, especially in subject Javanese performing art. By introducing some of Javanese performing art to student also can be alternative way to preserve the Javanese culture.


Stylistics Study, Pitutur Luhur, Tembang Tayub, Javanese Language Learning in SMK.