International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Aesthetics Value and Characters Education on Serat Kridhasmara made by RM. Ngabehi Wangsa Sarsana

 Kundharu Saddhono


Aims of this research are to describe and explain about aesthetics value, character education through Pakubuwono X figure on Serat Kridhasmara made by RM Ngabehi Wangsa Sarsana and the relevance as a learning material subject Tembang Jawa in SMP. Primary data resource oh this research is Serat Kridhasmara catalogue number P.B.C 103 from Museum Sonobudoyo, Yogyakarta. This work tell us about the journey and love story between Pakubuwono X with his second wife, Kanjeng Ratu Hemas. Secondary data resource take from some document such as book and some other article which used as reference in this research. Form of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Data analysis method using content analysis. After analyze the data, find aesthetics values and character education in Serat Kridhasmara made by RM Ngabehi Wangsa Sarsana. Serat Kridhasmara contain aesthetics values in love story of Pakubuwono X and his wife, also contain leadership values from Pakubuwono X figure which useful in learning process subject Tembang Macapat in Junior High School. From finding result in this research can be conclude that Serat Kridhasmara can be used as alternative of Tembang Macapat learning materials Junior High School.


Aesthetics Values, Characters Education, Serat Kridhasmara, Learning Material.