International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Educational Values on Ludruk Story “Tragedi Kebun Tebu” made by Cak Edy Karya

 Djoko Sulaksono


Ludruk is one variety of Javanese traditional drama from East Java regency. Ludruk contain the local wisdom values, because ludruk performance tell about Javanese society daily life. This research aim to describe and explain about education values on Ludruk Story “Tragedi Kebun Tebu” made by Cak Edy Karya. This research is descriptive qualitative using sociological literature approach. Primary data resource on this research is Ludruk Story “Tragedi Kebun Tebu” made by Cak Edy Karya. Secondary data resourch take from informant and document which related with ludruk performance. Data collected technique using content analysis and in-depth interview with some informant. Result of this research find that on Ludruk Story “Tragedi Kebun Tebu” contain some education values. Education values on ludruk story that are religious education values, morality education, social education, and culture education which reflected from character in ludruk story “Tragedi Kebun Tebu”. That’s education values reflected characters of Javanese society.


Education Values, Ludruk Story, Tragedi Kebun Tebu, Local Wisdom.