International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Implementation of the Interactive e-Book Model as an Optimization of BIPA Learning in Indonesia in an Effort to Increase the Independence of Foreign Students

 Sri Hastuti


This research is motivated by the scarcity of Indonesian textbooks for foreign speakers. The amount of interest of foreign nations to learn Indonesian is still constrained by the lack of available BIPA (TISOL) teaching books. The limitations of this textbook are important problems that are often faced by teachers in BIPA learning activities. Therefore, the development of BIPA teaching books is very much needed. The problem studied in this study in general is to develop a culture-based e-book for foreign students in Indonesia. This research method is research and development with 4 stages of research, namely (1) preliminary or exploratory study, (2) prototype development stage, (3) prototype testing phase, and (4) product dissemination. This study uses three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and questionnaires to obtain data on e-book development needs and assessment of e-book prototypes. The results of this study found that foreign students felt helped by the e-book in learning Indonesian and Indonesian culture through listening materials. This research also contributes to Indonesian language teachers and students for Foreign Speakers.


Interactive, E-book, BIPA, TISOL, listening skill.