International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

English for Young Learners Songs Course Task based on Traditional Local Wisdom Songs Made by EFL Students

 Ria Angraini


The aim of this research was to describe the weaknesses and strengths of English for Young Learners songs course task based on Traditional Local Wisdom Songs made by EYL students of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. This research was designed by using descriptive method. The object of this research was 30 English songs of EFL students. The data were collected by using documentation technique. The result of the research showed that there were some weaknesses and strengths in EYL songs course task based on Traditional Local Wisdom Songs made by EFL Students. Some students Adapted, Took, and Modified (ATM) their EYL songs as course task based  on Traditional Local Wisdom Songs integrated and collaborated with digital world. Hence, some of them still difficult to find Traditional Local Wisdom Songs in internet that effected to access the original intonation. In attampting to create edupreneurship English teachers that can help young learners mastering English by using English songs, Traditional Local Wisdom songs can be utilized particularly in the Industrial Revolution 4.0.


EYL Songs, Course Task, Traditional Local Wisdom Songs