International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Early Reading and Writing by Using the Manakok Game as a Manifestation of Basic Literacy

 Chandra Chandra, Rahman Rahman, Annisa Kharisma, Muhardila Fauziah, Risa Wismaliya


Basic literacy is needed in the digital era. Given that low-class students are preoccupied with technology, it is feared that they do not recognize the Minangkabau children's game culture, one of which is the game manakok. While on the other hand, technology is increasingly making students' egocentric higher. Bringing the alpha generation closer to the culture of manakok game in West Sumatra to succeed in the early reading and writing learning is the aim of this study. This research was conducted with literature studies. The results of the study show the emergence of the view that the manakok game as one of the cultures of Minangkabau children is assumed to be able to deliver early reading and writing learning in realizing basic literacy. Early reading and writing learning by using manakok games can be one of the new views in the world of education that learning can be realized with local wisdom. Manakok games can also build social attitudes among students by realizing familiarity in the game process. Although most students do not recognize the manakok game, familiarizing students with the culture of local wisdom is still better than the technological sophistication that shapes the ego slump.


Early Reading and Writing; Manakok Game; Basic Literacy