International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

Sundanese Local Wisdom for Friendship between Nations

 Agus Suherman


This study is intended to reveal the value of Sundanese local wisdom that can inspire and contribute to the creation of friendship between nations. Sources of Sundanese local wisdom values ​​in the form of written sources in the form of ancient manuscripts and oral expressions such as babasan and paribasa, are then examined using descriptive methods. An ancient Sundanese manuscript from the 16th century, Sanghyang Siksa Kandang Karesian, became the main choice to be studied, juxtaposed with a collection of babasan and paribasa which had been recorded. The results show a lot of oral expressions and ancient manuscripts containing messages about the importance of friendship between nations. This at the same time indicates that the Sundanese ancestors have taught centuries about the importance of social relations between nations. On that basis, an assessment of this matter is important to do as an effort to re-earthing Sundanese local wisdom that can strengthen cooperation between nations.


Sundanese local wisdom, friendship between nations, babasan, paribasa