International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

The Practice of Reading Approaches in Developing Students’ Reading Competency on Javanese Language among Primary School Teachers

 Yosi - Gumala


Abstract. Reading is important to students’ academic achievement and contains a problematical process. One important aspect of teaching reading has been ignored, that is the need to teach students the suitable reading approaches.  In this study we investigated the use of reading approaches in developing students’ reading competency on Javanese language among primary school teachers. For the purpose of the study, twenty school teachers from jepara central java have been randomly selected as the research subjects. A questionnaire survey was administered to define whether the teachers have knowledge of reading approaches and to demonstrate their students. The findings of the study indicated that while teachers were responsive of the use of reading strategies in developing reading capabilities on javanese language, they did not completely utilized them in teaching reading to primary school students. Effective reading approaches such as setting context, recitation the text to students and predicting or interpreting transcript were less frequently used. Other than, teachers also unsecsessful to encourage students’ interaction with the script.

Keywords: Reading Approach., Reading Competency, Javanese language


Reading Approach., Reading Competency, Javanese language