International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019


 Nunuy Nurjanah, Dingding Haerudin


The problem in this study is the reducton of regional culture, due to the enormity of the power of the wave of globalization that had a significant impact on multidimensional life, especially in the dimensions of Sundanese culture. This condition is further exacerbated by the lack of optimal role and function of education has not been able oriented efforts in childbirth beings education has self-identity as civilized creatures and understand his role in life as citizens of the world, so do not rule out this case ak's brought death in Sundanese culture. Therefore, there is a need for preventive and curative efforts to overcome this problem, through the revitalization of technology-based regional language education. This is based on the reality of today's life that has been in the digital era. Moreover, in the industrial revolution 4.0 which has become an inevitable necessity in the dynamics of life today. This study uses an experimental method related to the application of Android-based Sundanese basic teaching material to the development of children's Sundanese language skills. The results of the study show that Android-based Sundanese teaching materials have a significant impact on the development of children's Sundanese language skills


Revitalization, Regional Language, Techno-Pedagogy, Industrial Revolution 4.0