International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019

SUNDA LANGUAGE TESTING TEST (Research and Development on Junior High School Students in West Bandung)

 Usep Kuswari


The research focus is on the quality of speaking testing instruments for junior secondary students in West Bandung District. In general, the study aims at creating a model of Sundanise language speaking skills assessment which can provide information for schools in terms of contents, scope, delivery format and time, and can be effectively use Sundanise language teaching. Research and Development method is adopted to produce a model of class-based Indonesian language and literature learning assessment at junior secondary level and a guide book of Sundanise language and literature assessment at this level. Statistical calculation of field tryout scores shows that speaking model is relevant to field data, namely, (P-value = 0, 72541 > 0,05; RMSEA = 0,000 < 0,05; GFI = 1,70 > 0,9; AGFI = 1,43 > 0,9; PGFI = 1,37 > 0,9) indicating that EPBI model is fit. The relevance of EPBI model and field data (P-value = 0, 72541 > 0,05; RMSEA = 0,000 < 0,05; GFI = 1,70 > 0,9; AGFI = 1,43 > 0,9; PGFI = 1,37 > 0,9) reveals that the quality of speaking testing  model is fit is worth considering as an assessing instrument of junior secondary school speaking instruction as supported by theoretical concepts, expert judgment, and field tryout results., and judgment by experts, users, and practitioners shows that MPPBS model is reliable as a referred implementation model. Finally, school principals, Sundanise language teachers, schools, and District Office are recommended to apply the MPPBS Model in assessing instructional processes of Sundanise language skills in West Bandung District.


test; integrated; communicative