International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019, International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019




The fact shows that one of the cultural domains of the archipelago (Nusantara)  that is owned by Sundanese people is language comprehension. Many speakers of Sundanese language are deviant in the uses of language communication. Even though in politeness language is stored the value of local wisdom. This study aims to explain the value of local wisdom in Sundanese language politeness. In this research was used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research data in the form of cases of use of Sundanese politeness were collected by intuition techniques, documentation techniques, and observation techniques. Data analysis uses immediate constituent analysis techniques. The language elements described in this study are Sundanese-language politeness related to pronunciation, word formation, sentence arrangement, interpretation of word meanings, and socio-pragmatic contexts. From the results of this study, it is expected to obtain a comprehensive explanation of the situation of the use of Sundanese language politeness and the rules of politeness in the Sundanese language which includes phonological levels, grammatical, lexico-semantic level, and socio-pragmatic level. The value of local wisdom implied in Sundanese language politeness refers to the values ​​of national character education. There are five values ​​of national character education which animates the value of Sundanese politeness in local wisdom, namely tolerance, friendliness/ communicative, peace of mind, respect for achievement, and responsibility.


language politeness, local wisdom, socio-pragmatics, grammar, lexico-semantics